
Common Asset Maintenance: Best Practices

HOA Maintenance Plans As a young engineer, the most valuable lesson I learned early on was not to try to remember everything but know where to find the answers. It is no different for a new condo board or property manager. The Community Association Institute (CAI) has gone to great lengths to provide community leaders….


Transitions in Condominiums: Two Primary Elements

All things are in transition. Nature, the New England Patriots, and condo communities go through transitions. In the world of condos many of these transition milestones are well understood, many are not. Most know condos go through a transition management period from the developer to unit owner, but there is much more. Condo transition has….


Tips for Dealing with Winter

Winter is here across much of North America. This season plagues even the sturdiest among us—as with winter comes the inevitable storms of the season. Here are a few winter tips to help you prepare for and deal with the season: Insulate the attic to keep roof surface cold and help avoid ice dams. Maintain….


Leaks Happen

Finding the Leak Like the bumper sticker says, Leaks Happen. Eventually all roofs will leak. The various available condo roof surfaces typically have different reserve fund plan expected useful lives. High slope roofs such as fiberglass composite shingles are budgeted to be replaced in 25 to 30 years while low slope roofs surfaces such as….


Is Your Condo Breathing? Why Building Ventilation is Critical

If your condo board is planning for a re-roofing project, remind the board the project will not be a success without an in-depth consideration being given to the condition of the building ventilation under the roof. Inadequate attic venting will cause ice dams; energy loss; and moisture damage to the roof structure. Too often roof….


Masonry Myths

Addressing the Reality Since brick masonry exterior facades are supposed to have useful lives of 100 years or more, a prevalent myth is masonry facades are virtually maintenance free, needing little discussion by the condo board, and a rare cost item in reserve fund studies. In reality, masonry maintenance is discussed often with a great….


Finding the Right Contractor

Selection Process All condo or HOA boards face the task of hiring a service provider or construction contractor periodically. The final success of this effort often depends on establishing the initial selection process and following it to its conclusion. Most service contracts are routine and do not require significant planning or project management oversight. This….


Third Party Quality Assurance Construction Services

  When weather penetrates a building, it can be a costly issue that compromises the functionality and habitability of the building and may eventually lead to structural issues. While there is no single tactic that will prevent water from entering a building, incorporating Third Party Quality Assurance during construction or renovation is essential for reducing the risk of….